24 Hour Marketing
Company Name: 24 Hour Marketing
Status: Active
State: New York
Post: 11235
County: Kings
City: Brooklyn
Address: 3235 Emmons Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Phone: (917)994-9796
Fax: unknown
Email: 24hrmarketingnyc@gmail.com
Contact 24 Hour Marketing: 24 Hour Marketing
Web site: https://www.24hrmarketing.com
SIC code: 839900 Industry group: Social Services, Business category: Social services nec, Subcategory: Social Services*
Employees: 1
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 10000
Overall: 24 Hour Marketing is a business categorized under social services nec, which is part of the larger category social services. 24 Hour Marketing is located at the address 3235 Emmons Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA in Brooklyn, New York 11235. The 24 Hour Marketing is 24 Hour Marketing who can be contacted at (917)994-9796.
Description: 24 Hour Marketing Web Design, SEO (Google), Social Media (Instagram, Facebook & Youtube), Customer Relationship Management (24 Hour Marketing App), Email/Text Marketing Campaigns & Creative Designs (Logo, Business Card, QR Codes & Graphic Designs) are top of the line for any type of business of any size! Based In Brooklyn, NY we service industries like healthcare, law, local business, entertainment, finance, sports, contractors, e-commerce and more! Our monthly memberships are extremely affordable and will allow you to scale your business the right way extremely fast!
Facebook: https://facebook.com/24hrmarketingnyc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/24hr_marketing
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/24-hr-marketing
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOCPkDdrQsQGSxsZ8FLeu6g
Instagram: http://instagram.com/24hr_marketing
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/24hrmarketing/
Payment: visa, Mastercard, Amex
Working hours: 24 Hours Monday-sunday
Location & access map for "24 Hour Marketing"
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