24 Hour Tow Truck In Brooklyn
Company Name: 24 Hour Tow Truck In Brooklyn
Status: Active
State: New York
Post: 11229
County: Brooklyn
City: Brooklyn
Address: 3850 Bedford Ave
Phone: (917)563-4219
Fax: unknown
Email: towtruck24hr@outlook.com
Contact 24 Hour Tow Truck In Brooklyn: 24 Hour Tow Truck In Brooklyn
Web site: https://www.towtruckinbrooklynny24hr.com/24-hour-tow-truck-in-brooklyn/
SIC code: 832201 Industry group: Social Services, Business category: Individual & family social services, Subcategory: Counseling services
Overall: 24 Hour Tow Truck In Brooklyn is a business categorized under individual & family social services, which is part of the larger category social services. 24 Hour Tow Truck In Brooklyn is located at the address 3850 Bedford Ave in Brooklyn, New York 11229. The 24 Hour Tow Truck In Brooklyn is 24 Hour Tow Truck In Brooklyn who can be contacted at (917)563-4219.
Description: Those in need of the best tow truck service in brooklyn ny as soon as possible with the best pricing should get in contact with us immediately for all roadside assistance needs in Kings County. We offer all types of roadside help and can tow all types of vehicles along with blocked driveway/illegally parked vehicle towing, jump starts, lockouts, gas delivery and flat fixes/mobile mechanic help. Call us at 9175634219.
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