24/7 Tow Truck Brooklyn | Roadside Assistance, 3685 Shore Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA, Brooklyn, NY, 11235, social services nec

U.S Social Services New York Social Services New York - List of United States Social Services

24/7 Tow Truck Brooklyn | Roadside Assistance

Company Name: 24/7 Tow Truck Brooklyn | Roadside Assistance
Status: Active
State: New York
Post: 11235
County: Kings
City: Brooklyn
Address: 3685 Shore Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA
Phone: (917)580-6496
Fax: unknown
Email: towtruckinbrooklynny24hr@outlook.com
Contact towing service: Roadside Assistance
Web site: https://www.towtruckinbrooklynny24hr.com/
SIC code: 839999 Industry group: Social Services, Business category: Social services nec
Overall: 24/7 Tow Truck Brooklyn | Roadside Assistance is a business categorized under social services nec, which is part of the larger category social services. 24/7 Tow Truck Brooklyn | Roadside Assistance is located at the address 3685 Shore Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA in Brooklyn, New York 11235. The towing service is Roadside Assistance who can be contacted at (917)580-6496.
Description: We make searching for a tow truck near you in Brooklyn as
simple as possible! Give our towing company a phone call now to be
connected with a driver nearby! Our services are 24 hours and our team
goes above and beyond for you. We tow all types of vehicles and are
efficient and effective. Great prices and accurate ETA’s when you choose
us as our brooklyn tow truck company.
Working hours: 24/7

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