Legal Aid Society, 49 Thomas Street, New York, NY, 10013-3821, non-profit organizations

U.S Social Services New York Social Services New York - List of United States Social Services

Legal Aid Society

Company Name: Legal Aid Society
Status: Active
State: New York
Post: 10013-3821
County: New York
City: New York
Address: 49 Thomas Street
Phone: (212)732-5000
Fax: (212)298-5252
Email: unknown
Contact Manager: Irwin Shaw
Web site:
SIC code: 839998 Industry group: Social Services, Business category: Social services nec, Subcategory: Non-profit organizations
Employees: 200
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): Unavailable
Overall: Legal Aid Society is a business categorized under social services nec, which is part of the larger category social services. Legal Aid Society is located at the address 49 Thomas Street in New York, New York 10013-3821. The Manager is Irwin Shaw who can be contacted at (212)732-5000.
  • Non-profit organization
  • Legal services
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Name: K.S.
Message: They are effecient and helpful to their clients needs.
Name: R.S.
Message: I have a great lawyer and she is doing everything possible to help my cause.
Name: R.S.S.
Message: An actual legal aid who I'd level headed took my fiance and I here.
Name: D.G.
Message: Saved my son's life because they care!
Name: J.B.
Message: He is doing a great job and truly cares about his clients.
Name: D.D.
Message: I had the best legal representation!
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