196 Albany Avenue Day Care Ctr, 196 Albany Avenue Suite 2, Brooklyn, NY, 11213-2105, child day care services

U.S Social Services New York Social Services New York - List of United States Social Services

196 Albany Avenue Day Care Ctr

Company Name: 196 Albany Avenue Day Care Ctr
Status: Active
State: New York
Post: 11213-2105
County: Kings
City: Brooklyn
Address: 196 Albany Avenue Suite 2
Phone: (718)773-0071
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact President: Deborah Aiken
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 835100 Industry group: Social Services, Business category: Child day care services, Subcategory: Child Day Care Services
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): Unavailable
Overall: 196 Albany Avenue Day Care Ctr is a business categorized under child day care services, which is part of the larger category social services. 196 Albany Avenue Day Care Ctr is located at the address 196 Albany Avenue Suite 2 in Brooklyn, New York 11213-2105. The President is Deborah Aiken who can be contacted at (718)773-0071.
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