1199SEIU/Employer Child Care Corporation - Future of America Learning Center, 2500 Creston Avenue 3rd Floor, Bronx, NY, 10468-4206

U.S Social Services New York Social Services New York - List of United States Social Services

1199SEIU/Employer Child Care Corporation - Future of America Learning Center

Company Name: 1199SEIU/Employer Child Care Corporation - Future of America Learning Center
Status: Active
State: New York
Post: 10468-4206
County: Bronx
City: Bronx
Address: 2500 Creston Avenue 3rd Floor
Phone: (718)562-2915
Fax: (718)562-5023
Email: unknown
Contact Executive Director: Bonnie Mallonga
Web site: www.1199ccc.org
SIC code: 835104 Industry group: Social Services, Business category: Child day care services, Subcategory: Child care centers-consultants
Employees: 40
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 1,680,000
Overall: 1199SEIU/Employer Child Care Corporation - Future of America Learning Center is a business categorized under child day care services, which is part of the larger category social services. 1199SEIU/Employer Child Care Corporation - Future of America Learning Center is located at the address 2500 Creston Avenue 3rd Floor in Bronx, New York 10468-4206. The Executive Director is Bonnie Mallonga who can be contacted at (718)562-2915.
  • Day care center
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Name: S.M.
Message: My daughter attended this school for the past three years and it’s one of the best schools. I am very pleased with the education my daughter is receiving. My daughter has had great success in this school. I look forward to my daughter continuing progress. Thank you for all your efforts, and those of your staff. I will highly recommend this school. :).
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